The primary design and purpose of a pergola is to provide shade and aesthetics. It is common to assume that pergolas are not waterproof.

This is because most pergolas, for the most part, do not have a traditional roof. Instead, many of them have a unique open-top design that defines their form factor and limits their ability to provide complete protection from the rain.

are pergolas waterproof

With new roofing options, however, the issue of waterproofing lies in the type of pergola chosen.

Consider using an aluminium pergola with louvres on the roof. When closed, these louvres can be used as a waterproof pergola, providing good protection from the rain for your patio and the furniture underneath.

When you see this, someone may wonder: with the top louvres open, there will be a gap between each louvre, so will the top leak?

There will be no water leakage. We can answer you this question for sure.

P140 100% waterproof pergola

When it rains, you simply close the louvres of the flipped pergola. With a simple one-button manoeuvre, this turns it into a rain shield. Therefore, you can still stay under the pergola and enjoy the outdoors even when it is raining.

Traditional pergolas like simple wooden pergolas are usually not designed and made to withstand high humidity for long periods of time. While wooden pergolas are usually treated with a waterproofing treatment, they can still deteriorate due to constant rain, unlike aluminium fibreglass pergolas, which maintain their structure and appearance to provide a more permanent solution.

When comparing different pergola materials, aluminium louvre pergolas are clearly superior in terms of waterproofing. Materials such as aluminium are known for their waterproofing properties and are ideal for pergola frames and roofs. These materials outperform traditional wood and can withstand heavy rain, high winds and other weather elements.

custom bioclimatic pergola

Let’s take a look at some practical ways to help you build a pergola that is strong and durable even in pouring rain!

A louvred pergola roof can turn your pergola into a rainproof haven. When it rains, all you need to do is close the louvres on your flip-up pergola.

With simple adjustments, whether hand cranking, using a remote control, or the tuya app smart control, you can close the louvres at any time, creating a waterproof roof with peace of mind.

This protects your backyard so you can enjoy your patio, deck and garden even in the rain, or keep it near your pool.

If you’re looking for other options than installing manoeuvrable louvres, then installing a waterproof pergola roof is also a viable solution.

Additionally, you can further protect your outdoor space from the elements by waterproofing it with a sturdy tarpaulin or specially designed outdoor cover that fits securely over the pergola structure.

However, adding a waterproof canopy or cover to your pergola may result in reduced natural airflow, creating potentially uncomfortable conditions of stuffiness or stagnation.

Additionally, retrofitted canopies and covers require regular inspection and maintenance to address any wear and tear issues and ensure their effectiveness and longevity.

Increased maintenance needs will increase the overall time and effort required to maintain the pergola and its canopy.